When 2 Become 1.

The day after Steffy asked me to create an Ode for her future husband, I woke up with the Spice Girls song “When 2 Become 1” in my head.

It got me thinking of what marriage is and I came to the conclusion that it’s two separate lives blending together.

I decided to create a book, as she is a writer and slides to capture 11 moments from each of their lives, together 22, which they can overlap for a unique effect. Writing new history on the wall, while blending previous experiences together.

I included brass lines at the front, representing their separate journeys merging into one.

They can place two on top of each other, creating a double exposure effect. Thus combining their lives and creating new history, with memories.

The object is made out of:

  • Newspapers from the day they where born, as thats where their stories started.

  • Black taurus marble as a base, because it looks like the view of the earth from the moon and back, resembling their love.

  • Catalpa tree. This tree has twofold flowers (2 become 1), with a heart shaped base. This is wood from a tree that grew in Amsterdam. Trees exist from layers of time, just like the earth. So their memories are engraved in the heart of the earth of Amsterdam and they can take it with them where ever they go.

  • Aluminum.

  • Brass, giving the story an extra golden lining.

    Fun Fact: in all the calculations of every element I played into the title, using lots of “ones”, “twos” or multiplications of. So the slides for instance are 11 by 22 cm’s.

    Fun Fact 2: we specifically chose these two pages, to be shown on top, as theres fireworks (symbolizing them), fashion (as she loves fashion) and finance (as he is a stock broker).

44 x 44 x 99 cm
